Unlike a lot of bigger feed producers who outsource the production of these key early life calf rations, we actually take pride in selecting the choicest combination of flaked cereals, crimped pulp and top-quality proteins, chiefly soya to make our own range of premium quality calf rations.
Calf Starter
This is our own mix of Flaked cereals, crimped maize, shredded pulp and soya protein to provide the most palatable starter feed to accelerate the early intake of solid feed that is critical for rapid rumen development. Boosted by the inclusion of a special Greenline Calf premix including yeast, this provides a special “mother smell” to boost critical early intakes. Present small amounts of our Starter Ration to calves immediately in the first few days and refresh constantly by removing leftovers for older animals and replacing with fresh material and they will quickly take to it from the start to achieve vital early solid feed intake.
And another thing; If you can make feed good enough for baby calves, you can readily feed any other livestock category, so please read on!!!
Milk Replacer – read more

Calf Rearer
Available as a 120 PDI product containing 17-18% premium quality protein based primarily on soya or as a 110 PDI product at around 15% protein which is adequate for stronger weanlings, especially those on high protein grass. Both Calf Rearer products contain the same quality ingredients as our calf starter except for a lower inclusion flaked cereals and both these quality rations will drive frame growth from before weaning right through to housing for the first winter.